Our guide made it even worse in pointing out all the viewpoints that other (famous) photogs have taken and even told us how to set the camera (or phone) to capture that enigmatic view.
Well, looking up was a no-no with our tour-guide as one could capture the sky (gasp!) as a strong contra-light and that would probably cause problems. But it had the clear benefit of putting all other tourists out of the picture and capture the beauty of the canyon without them.
The following is just one example of the images I like from this tour. And it would be almost abstract if the canyon was not so well known.

Which is quite an interesting concept: "de-abstractification" through a high profile in public reception. Well anyway: The mystery of entering this canyon and looking at it in wonder was still there. And I hope my images can convey something of this unique place on earth.
For more of my images of the Antelope Canyon have a look here.