May 22, 2018

What, no Emil-Nolde-Weather?

The next day of the workshop was dedicated to landscape photography. We started with a photo-walk from the Nolde Museum to a nearby lake and in the afternoon transferred to the North Sea hoping to capture a dramatic sunset.
But alas! The sky was blue and the high cirrus clouds did not look promising. As Heinz Teufel said: Emil Nolde wouldn't have gone painting landscapes on a day like this.
Well, we had to work with what we've got so here's my first try to capture the flat landscape:


The farm house is one of those often captured in Emil Nolde's paintings.
I used a polarizer and did quite some color-pushing in post to produce at least some expressionistic colors. But certainly this is not a model of a "dramatic" sky.
Still the shot captures the vast landscape under the endless sky quite well.

Here's a closer view of the same farm house:


As always: click through the images to enjoy the large view.

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